The province of Ontario is changing the way tire Producers, First Importers, Brand Owners (“Producers”) are obligated for their end-of-life products. Beginning January 1, 2019, tire Producers have to meet their legislative individual obligations under the new Tire Regulation O.Reg.225/18 which exists under the Resource Recovery & Circular Economy Act (RRCEA).
Across the province, Producers need to comply with the new collection and recovery targets. Producers that fail to comply with the new legislation may be subject to fines. A Producer may choose self-compliance, or work with an independent producer responsibility organization, (PRO) to meet their new obligations.
ReclayPRO is dedicated to ensuring Producers comply under the Regulation and that their compliance needs are managed efficiently and effectively, without disruption to core business activities. Our team has extensive experience in establishing and managing compliance systems globally including PROs in Canada, Germany, Austria, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. We ensure our customers meet all of the requirements under the Regulation. We can also assist with any company’s internal corporate recycling and sustainability targets and reporting.
Relevant Links
Ministry of Environment Letter to Ontario Tire Stewardship
Ontario Tire Stewardship Wind-Up Plan